We hope your year has begun well and you are enjoying the summer. We have a new logo as you can see above, designed pro bono by graphic designer Rachel Binnie. We really appreciate Rachel’s skills in coming up with a fresh, new look for Music Futures.
2019 Programme
Your Committee has been working hard on the 2019 programme of activities and concerts. We are excited that we will be hosted by a primary school with a very active music programme this year for the AGM and concert. I am happy to confirm the following dates for your diaries:
12 May 3 pm AGM and concert – Kelburn Normal School, followed by afternoon tea
28 July The Sound of Wellington Youth Music concert, St Andrew’s on The Terrace
We will be running chamber music coaching weekends in Wellington and Kapiti again this year on 4 & 5 May and 18 & 19 May respectively. You are invited to attend the informal concert (no charge) of students on Sunday 5 May at the Adam Concert Room, Victoria University of Wellington at 1 pm. This activity is funded by a generous grant from TG Macarthy.
We are currently lining up further activities for the year, several of them new to Music Futures. We will be in touch when these are confirmed.
Membership renewal
It’s that time of year when we remind you about renewing your subscription. We really rely on your membership fees, and your donations, to help fund our activities. If you make a donation over and above your membership fee, you can claim a third back on donations from IRD as we are a registered charitable trust.
You can pay your subscription of $20 per person direct into our bank account by internet transfer or send a cheque to Annette Lendrum, our Treasurer, at P O Box 11364, Wellington 6142. Don’t forget to provide us with your name if making an internet payment. Our account name is Music Futures Inc. Our account number is: 38 9012 0747102 00
Finally I want to tell you about a new activity we were able to arrange last December. Building on our very good relationship with Orchestra Wellington, we arranged for 13 advanced students to participate in a side-by-side rehearsal with the orchestra as part of the dress rehearsal for their final concert. The students learnt the Don Giovanni Overture ahead of time. On 1 December, they assembled at the Michael Fowler Centre, had a short run through with Rachel Hyde, one of founding musicians, and then were invited on to the stage under the baton of Maestro Marc Taddei. The students loved this experience and were buzzing afterwards. This is exactly the kind of motivating experience that we want to be able to provide for our musicians of the future. We look forward to your support again in 2019 and of course seeing you at our AGM and concert on Sunday 12 May. Bring a friend – they will be inspired by some wonderful young musicians. I will send you details of the programme closer to the time. (Lynne Dovey, Chair)