2017 Awards
Music Futures announces its 2017 awards. These grants will assist recipients with the costs involved in the following:
- Nadia Alkhouri Saxophone – instrument service
- Natali Ayikoru Viola - group tuition
- Connor Campbell Trumpet – towards attendance at NZ Combined Band, Association Festival, Whangarei
- Lucy Carver Clarinet – transport & accommodation at NZ Combined Band Association Festival, Whangarei
- Edward Clarkson Violin – lessons
- Robert Evers Piano & trombone – purchase of Sibelius software programme
- Emma Hogan Clarinet tuition – towards attendance at NZ Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra, Christchurch
- Upu Kasiano Viola - group tuition
- Samantha Laga Viola - group tuition
- Jack Moyer Cello - lessons
- Vanessa O’Neill Piano – transport to lessons
- Hannah Stark Viola - lessons
- Brianna Stuart-Berrisford Violin - lessons
- Talia Stuart-Berrisford Violin - lessons
- Anisa Sungsuwan Violin – towards a new bow
- William Taber Double bass & piano – hearing protection
- Dibora Tesfay Piano - lessons
- Zachary Thirkell Clarinet – towards new instrument
- Rebecca Warnes Cello – towards transport to Auckland for Auckland Philharmonic Intern Programme
- Wellington Youth Choir Sheet Music
Photos of some of our award winners ...
What our awardees are saying ...
Thank you so much for your grant for me to play in the New Zealand Secondary School's Symphony Orchestra this year. This was a phenomonal experience, and your grant allowed me to cover flight costs for the week, which went a huge way towards enabling me to take part in the course. We played some incredible music, and the orchestra was without doubt the most professional I have ever played in which was a great learning experience for me as a musician, as well as being a hugely enjoyable social event. Once again, thank you enormously for the grant.
Regards, Emma Hogan
From Clare Sullivan (vocal student)–
“I received my Certificate for my Grade VIII Trinity College exam the other day and realised that although I thanked you by email, I had never written formally to thank you for your scholarship towards my singing tuition last year. ….. Without this scholarship, funding my voice lessons and exam would have proved very difficult.”
“I will be studying Health Science at Otago University this year and although I am not studying singing, I will continue to sing at any opportunity.”
From Amanda Stone
Thank you very much for the grant towards my costs for my week in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Christchurch, and it was an experience I’ll never forget. It was great to be able to be billeted with a host family and make lots of new friends, and playing in such a huge orchestra made up of people my age was really fun and I learned a lot.
The grant was much appreciated so thank you very much for your assistance in getting me to this orchestral event.
From Sarah Stark (mother of Quentin)
Hi there,
Thank you so much for the generous grant supporting Quentin on his musical journey. As a family we are very grateful to you for your support, it's a real blessing to us.
Quentin says "Thank you for your gift. I feel very happy because I LOVE music, particularly the piano. I'm sure I will have lots of fun going to Suzuki Summer Camp. I've never been able to go before."
From Rhiannon Gwyther
Thank you so much for the money. It makes sitting the exams now possible. Without your help over the last three years I would not be at the stage I am now. I'm really grateful.
Dear Music Futures
Thank you very much for the grant towards my costs for my week in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Christchurch, and it was an experience I’ll never forget. It was great to be able to be billeted with a host family and make lots of new friends, and playing in such a huge orchestra made up of people my age was really fun and I learned a lot.
The grant was much appreciated so thank you very much for your assistance in getting me to this orchestral event.
Kind Regards,
Amanda Stone
Regards, Emma Hogan
From Clare Sullivan (vocal student)–
“I received my Certificate for my Grade VIII Trinity College exam the other day and realised that although I thanked you by email, I had never written formally to thank you for your scholarship towards my singing tuition last year. ….. Without this scholarship, funding my voice lessons and exam would have proved very difficult.”
“I will be studying Health Science at Otago University this year and although I am not studying singing, I will continue to sing at any opportunity.”
From Amanda Stone
Thank you very much for the grant towards my costs for my week in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Christchurch, and it was an experience I’ll never forget. It was great to be able to be billeted with a host family and make lots of new friends, and playing in such a huge orchestra made up of people my age was really fun and I learned a lot.
The grant was much appreciated so thank you very much for your assistance in getting me to this orchestral event.
From Sarah Stark (mother of Quentin)
Hi there,
Thank you so much for the generous grant supporting Quentin on his musical journey. As a family we are very grateful to you for your support, it's a real blessing to us.
Quentin says "Thank you for your gift. I feel very happy because I LOVE music, particularly the piano. I'm sure I will have lots of fun going to Suzuki Summer Camp. I've never been able to go before."
From Rhiannon Gwyther
Thank you so much for the money. It makes sitting the exams now possible. Without your help over the last three years I would not be at the stage I am now. I'm really grateful.
Dear Music Futures
Thank you very much for the grant towards my costs for my week in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Christchurch, and it was an experience I’ll never forget. It was great to be able to be billeted with a host family and make lots of new friends, and playing in such a huge orchestra made up of people my age was really fun and I learned a lot.
The grant was much appreciated so thank you very much for your assistance in getting me to this orchestral event.
Kind Regards,
Amanda Stone